The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game is Available for Pre-Order Now!

The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game
The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

The Power is On!

Pre-orders for The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game are live, Rangers.

In The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game, you unite as the Power Rangers to assemble the Megazord and defend Angel Grove! Or. . . Conspire as the Villains to dominate the city with your powerful minions!

In this Deck-Building Game, some players will be Heroes and some will be Villains. You’ll start with a meager deck that will become increasingly powerful as the game progresses until you can unleash a powerful Megazord or Master attack. Play against one opponent or team up with a friend to take down the opposition. This Core Set will begin your collection with everything needed to play, but be prepared for more Rangers and Villains to come!

This pre-order campaign will end December 8th! Stay tuned on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for looks into each ranger and villain!

Today’s look is at Mighty Morphin Green.

Green Ranger - Tommy Oliver

The Power Rangers Deck-Building Game Mighty Morphin Green. [Alpha 5 Dispatch] Tommy! Grab as much equipment as you can, but don’t attach them right away. Instead, play them to remove starter cards from the top of your deck and draw your better cards…

Check out the Updates section for more Ranger and Villain features during the campaign!